My players/friends recently complimented me on the last few sessions I've run of our 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons game. Something that's happened before in the same way after key sessions. The thing in common with all of these sessions that they didn't know? They like the ones best that I'm detouring away from the written adventure and planning, homebrewing, or improvising instead.
One of my players is also a DM and was asking how much of the last few sessions was from the book versus me. My answer: you've been playing straight from Spencer's brain for quite a while. I'm trying to level them up before the next Saltmarsh chapter and didn't just want to toss arbitrary XP at them to do it. He wondered more about how I was creating encounters in a way where it seemed like they could talk, fight, avoid, or solve them in various ways. I thought I would share how I've been going about my process.
While we're playing there are several things that I am constantly tweaking:
In our last few games the group was trying to find the Apparatus of Kwalish for Captain Xendros out of Saltmarsh. They had gained contacts in town during their last couple of sessions of downtime and checked to see if any of them had heard anything about it (I reminded them their contacts were an option). I had planned out various locations that the apparatus might be, who might have it or where it may have ended up, but ultimately I waited to see what they would do and if they'd even be interested in finding it. After chatting with their contacts they learned that smugglers had found a curious iron-looking barrel that no one could open and they were looking for help opening it or selling it and whatever was inside.
The group had also learned a few other details that might nudge them in different directions, like there being hags nearby kidnapping women and children, aberrations about, and more rumours about an ominous wizard altering the intelligence and personality of creatures in the area (one of the big bad threads). I used some of my unique dice as well as tables in the DMG and Saltmarsh Adventure book to help me make a few of these decisions.
I was ready to react to how the group wanted to get where they wanted to go as well. Saltmarsh is an interesting area, it's fileld with rivers, the ocean, swamps, caves, and all sorts of places. They had clues that the apparatus was with a group of smugglers that operated off the river, but that didn't mean they had to go by boat. They hadn't done a whole lot by boat yet though, and one of their contacts had given them access to theirs, so they thought why not, and sailed up-river. This, to me, meant I had to have the odd interesting scene ready-ish. I decided that there would be a thread connected to the big bad but I would otherwise let the random tables keep me nimble. I rolled on a random encounter table, causing the group to discover a Lamia along the edge of the river foraging. I have also been trying to tie things to their backstories so the lamia had an ally Lizardfolk with similar motivations stated by one of the other players. I had hoped that player would see a kinship and want to ally or help them but they seemed entirely indifferent! The lamia was one of those altered by the wizard, which meant heightened intellect and a different personality. She was fleeing from the wizard and his henchmen– bugbears and hobgoblins for now, I decided. I had hidden the detail she was a lamia at first by explicitly calling out that they could not see her bottom-half, hidden behind a large rock, that she was clearly trying to position herself behind while talking. I wanted to see what they would do noticing this NPC hiding something, as well as knowing there were hags nearby.
The group learned a bit more about the big bad, saved the lamia and lizardfolk after intense questioning and murdering, and sent them off towards Saltmarsh to take shelter in their new base. So nice! My group likes to try and befriend the amicable or empathy-deserving types they come across, which most of those NPCs have gone along with. Why am I allowing them to collect so many people back in town? Trouble is brewing and they'll need the friends!
They decided to also try and find these hags now that they had almost mistaken the lamia as one. This unfolded beautifully. I knew I wanted the hags to live in a little hut in a swampy area just off the river. Otherwise, how that could go I was going to react to. The group found the hut but started not with violence but instead questions. One of the characters has also been using her detect magic in great ways, almost like a radar sense for bigger dangers. She noticed several glowing areas all around and in the hut– hag-magic barriers but also enchanted animals (although they couldn't tell what everything was just by the glowing through bushes around the hut). I did not plan this and just added animals randomly. This kept people on their toes.
I knew I wanted the hags to be vaguely linked to the big bad but I wasn't quite sure how yet. Once the group started questioning the hags though they helped lead me down a logical path of linking them to the big bad. Why did they have all these animals? What were they doing out here? And the biggest question: did the hags have all of the information? This wizard is extremely powerful. Powerful enough to control and mind-wipe hags, it seemed, causing them to collect animals for the wizard's experiments.
Fast-forward a couple of sessions and the group has now found the smugglers who are operating off the river. What had I planned for this encounter? I knew I wanted a stone golem, the potential for a cockatrice, and a bunch of smugglers. However, this didn't mean that any of those creatures or character were inherently good or bad or that they couldn't have something interesting about them. Everyone's just trying to get by most of the time, right?
The map I was using had a big cave in. I related that back to the motivations of the smugglers, deciding they had taken over a government-owned but decomissioned mine, smuggling gems. The cave-in had cuased them to stop operations, even losing several people to the rubble. I planned that the smugglers would have the Apparatus of Kwalish but didn't actually know what it was. They just want to start making money again and they don't care how. They aren't necessarily bad people, they're trying to provide for their families, the mine is decomissioned anyways, and now maybe they can sell or otherwise profit from this thing they've found (there was one small group of smugglers that I decided were actually up to no good but the characters have so far avoided them). Almost everything after that point was improv or random tables.
All of the above unfolded because of the players. I had an idea of the destination but rolled along with them for the journey. I don't want to control them, I want them to have fun! What I am noticing though is so much of the adventures as written are too railroading for them. Even when we are going to follow an adventure we need to go off track and allow it to evolve a bit more. The group loves when the world reacts to them and the decisions they've made have consequences. When tension is building and characters have motivations they can discover and manipulate the world feels more alive, too!
That's a rough breakdown of some of the ways I have been influencing our games. I didn't plan this to be a very well-written post, just a quick brain dump for those interested. I hope it interested or helped you!